Friday, February 3, 2012

Cupcake Pull Apart Cake

I have to say, when I first started this project, I thought it would look great but I never envisioned a little wonderland and that's exactly how I feel about it.  Every time I walk by it, it makes me smile.  I hope it has the same effect on all the children that will tear it apart today!!

That being said, you have to have a lot of patience to make this one!  Every little bug is hand made as are the mushrooms.  You have to let each bug dry before adding additional details such as wings, polka dots, and facial features.  It is very time consuming and challenging!  In the end, very worth it as you get this whole effect that you really are looking at a field.  The only downside, I grew attached to my bugs.  I'll miss you little guys!!  :-(

1 comment:

  1. As an update, the kids LOVED this cake. They had fun pulling off the bugs and eating them as they tore it all up. It's a fun and easy way to serve children a delicious treat at school.


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